場所:京都大学農学部総合館1階 Sー177室(講義室)
講演者:Dr. Reza A. Zoroofi (Invited Associate Prof., Osaka Univ., Associate Prof., Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Faulty of Engineering, University of Tehran)
タイトル:” Trends in Segmentation of Multi-slice Images“(マルチスライスイメージの分割における傾向)
内容:Segmentation is an important topic in computer assisted image analysis. Multi-slices images that are acquired from volume data scanners such as MRI and CT are employed in many applications. Typical examples include non-invasive evaluation of human organs in medicine and non-destructive testing of objects in industry. Segmentation of multi-slice images is needed for various corresponding tasks including visualization, quantitative assessment, adequate management, classification, and ultimately understanding. In this lecture, with respect to the demand for minimally interactive segmentation of images in various applications, we discuss on the recent trends in segmentation based on our research background and achievement in the past decade. Typical case studies include medical applications of segmentation for human organs including Brain, Liver, Bone, Cartilage, Prostate; Segmentation for Biometry applications including segmentation of teeth; Segmentation of face for surgery, human alertness, and facial cloning; and agricultural application including segmentation of pomegranate. By imposing the geometrical constraints originated from the knowledge about the object, employing the information obtained from the nature of images acquired from different imaging modalities, and customizing the image processing algorithms for each dedicated task, we attempt to summarize our achievements in the above mentioned applications.
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