Diding Suhandy
Place/Date of Birth
Majalengka, 03 March 1978
Home town
Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Title of undergraduate thesis
The development of image processing algorithm to determine the maturity of fresh mangostaan
Title of master thesis
Study on leaf water potential determination in tomato plants using near infrared spectroscopy for water stress management
Topic of interest
Measurement of fruits internal quality using nondestructive method (image processing, NIR and terahertz, etc), precision farming
Reading, playing badminton, playing football
My introduction
I am happy become member of this Laboratory. I just came here and joined with this Lab not more than 1 month. But, all students, the staffs and professors are so very kind and help me to adapt quickly with this Lab. Thank you for all. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu………….


Peer Reviewed Original Papers
(1) Diding Suhandy. 2009. Soluble Solids Content Prediction in Sawo Fruit Using NIR Spectroscopy. Journal of Bionatura (Indonesian with abstract in English).11 (1): 11-20.
(2) Diding Suhandy. 2009. Determination of Precise Spectral Acquisition on The Measurement of Soluble Solids Content in Pineapple Fruit Using SW-NIR Spectroscopy (Indonesian with abstract in English). Journal of Teknik Pertanian. 1 (1): 39-
(3) Diding Suhandy. 2009. Nondestructive Measurement of Soluble Solids Content in Pineapple Fruit Using Short Wavelength Near Infrared (SW-NIR) Spectroscopy. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 4 (1): 107-114.
(4) Diding Suhandy. 2009. The Application of Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy Technology for Nondestructive Dry Matter Determination in Avocado (Indonesian with abstract in English). Journal of Penelitian Pertanian Terapan. 9 (1): 20-27.
(5) Diding Suhandy, Sulusi Prabawati, Yulianingsih, Yatmin. 2008. Determination of dry matter in intact mango fruit using near infrared spectroscopy (Indonesian with abstract in English). Journal of Pascapanen. 5 (2): 10-17.
(6) Diding Suhandy, Yatmin. 2008. Development a Calibration Equation for Nondestructive Dry Matter Determination in Mango Fruit Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy with Temperature Compensation. (Indonesian with abstract in English). Journal of Wacana Pertanian. 7 (1): 7-12.
(7) Diding Suhandy. 2008. Monitoring of On Plant Leaf Water Potential Using NIR Spectroscopy for Water Stress Management. Journal of Teknologi dan Industri Pertanian. 13 (1) : 363-
(8) Yatmin, Diding Suhandy. 2008. Classification of Orange Fruit Based on Soluble Solids Content Value Using Image Processing and Density Method. (Indonesian with abstract in English). Journal of Wacana Pertanian. 7 (1): 55-60.
(9) Diding Suhandy, Rofandi Hartanto, Sulusi Prabawati, Yulianingsih, Yatmin. 2007. Determination of the Best NIR Experimental Condition for Nondestructive Soluble Solids Content Prediction in Mango Fruit Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy. (Indonesian with abstract in English). Jurnal of Keteknikan Pertanian.. 21 (4): 363-370.
(10) Diding Suhandy, Takahisa Matsuoka. 2007. Developing A Calibration Model of Leaf Water Potential Determination In Tomato Plants Using NIR Spectroscopy With Temperature Compensation. Journal of Keteknikan Pertanian. 22 (1): 7-
(11) Diding Suhandy. 2007.Nondestructive Determination of Acidity of Cayenne Pineapple Fruit using Short Wavelength Near Infrared (SW-NIR) Spectroscopy (Indonesian with abstract in English). Journal of Teknologi dan Industri Pertanian. 12 (2): 40-
(12) Diding Suhandy, Nafis Khuriyati, Takahisa Matsuoka. 2006. Determination of Leaf Water Potential in Tomato Plants Using NIR Spectroscopy for Water Stress Management. Environment Control in Biology. 44 (4): 276-284.
(13) Diding Suhandy, Usman Ahmad. 2003.Development of Image Processing Algorithm for Determining the Maturity of Fresh Mangosteen (Indonesian with abstract in English). Bulletin of Keteknikan Pertanian. 17 (2): 29-


Conference Papers
(1) R.A. Bustomi Rosadi, Diding Suhandy, Ahmad Tusi, Teguh Wiyono. 2009. The effect of salinity to the growth and yield of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) on Hydrophonic System, International Seminar on Sustainable Biomass Production and Utilization Challenges and Opportunities (ISOMASS), August 3-4, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia (2009)
(2) Sapto Kuncoro, Diding Suhandy. Prediction of Dry matter in Sawo Fruit Using Short Wavelength Near Infrared (SW-NIR) Spectroscopy (Indonesian with abstract in English). Proceeding on Nasional Seminar, Yogyakarta, November 18-19, 2008.
(3) Diding Suhandy, Rofandi Hartanto, Sulusi Prabawati, Yulianingsih, Yatmin. Determination of Dry Matter in Intact Mango Fruit Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Proceeding on Nasional Seminar “Ketahanan Pangan” PERTETA, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, November 15-17, 2007.
(4) Diding Suhandy, Rofandi Hartanto, Sulusi Prabawati, Yulianingsih, Yatmin. Determination of the Best Spectral Acquisition Condition for Nondestructive Soluble Solids Content Measurement in Mango Fruit Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Proceeding on Nasional Seminar “Ketahanan Pangan” PERTETA, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, November 15-17, 2007.
(5) Diding Suhandy, Rofandi Hartanto, Sulusi Prabawati, Yulianingsih, Yatmin. Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Nondestructive Determination of Soluble Solids Content in Mango Fruit. Proceeding on Nasional Seminar “Ketahanan Pangan” PERTETA, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, November 15-17, 2007.
(6) Diding Suhandy, Nafis Khuriyati, Takahisa Matsuoka. 2006. Determination of Leaf Water Potential in Tomato Using NIR Spectroscopy for Water Stress Management. In: Proceedings Joint Meeting on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture 2005, Kanazawa, Japan. - Kanazawa, Japan : Joint Meeting on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture 2005


Research reports
(2) Alam, M.M. and M.A. Momin: Performance Study of Existing Maize Shellers. Winrock International (WI), House N0. 2 (1st Floor), Road No. 23/A, Gulshan-1, Bangladesh, March 2007.
(1) Alam, M. M. and M.A. Momin: Identification of Agri-machinery SMEs and Service Providers, and Sub-sector Supply and Value Chain Analysis. The South Asia Enterprise Development Facility (SEDF), United House, 10 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh, February 2005.


June 2006 M.S. in Farm Power and Machinery
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
2002 B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh


Professional Activities
(1) Fellow (M/22314), Institute of Engineers’ Bangladesh