Mission of Lab. of Bio-Sensing Engineering
A: Developing problem-solving skills
Problem-based learning is a pedagogical strategy for posing significant, contextualized, real world situations, and providing resources, guidance, and instruction to learners as they develop content knowledge and problem-solving skills. Through lectures, hands-on experiments, and real world experience, students collaborate to diagnose a problem as they strive to seek viable solutions.
B: Learning of the fundamentals of physical, biological and natural sciences and information technology
A student equipped with fundamental skill sets of physics, mathematics, natural sciences, and information technology have an advantage in securing a job as well as long term career development.
C: Learning agricultural knowledge and developing the application skills
Agricultural studies are dealing with complex living organisms and changing environments. A properly educated student through the curriculum is likely to gain the ability of variegated thinking and a multipronged perspective that could stimulate creativity and ability to benefit from paradigm shifts.
D: Learning engineering knowledge and developing the application skills
Measurement, control and system studies conducted on living organisms, soil and environmental are based on 4 fundamental engineering studies which develop problem solving skills. One of the features of this course is the combination of mission C and mission D that is applying engineering knowledge to meet bioproduction needs.
E: Nurturing creativity and innovation with courses on design
Creativity and sensibility skill can be developed through CAD course, machine design course and IT related courses. Besides, in the process of learning CAD, it also develop problem solving skills indirectly.
F: Developing communication and presentation skills (Prepare students for global community)
English language is an essential communication tool to extend our impact beyond domestic audience. To prepare our students, they are required to give presentations in English, in addition to Japanese, during their study in this division. Courses such as “English”, “Scientific English”, “Non-farm machinery books” and “Seminar” will be offered to prepare our students.

We encourage students to propel the self-valuing learning based on the results of this radar-chart created from your own scores of courses.