2020/2/8 近 藤 直:「農食産業のスマート化」,公益財団法人日本技術士会 第39回地域産学官と技術士との合同セミナー 日本浮上のキーテクノロジー 産学官と技術士が挑む一次産業のスマー ト化,基調講演,京都リサーチパーク4号館
2020/2/12-15 Naoshi Kondo: “Electromagnetic Wave Based Sensing Systems in Smart Agriculture,” ANS2020  Keynote lecture (The 7th Asian NIR Symposium), Avani Khon Kaen Hotel & Convention Centre, Khonkaen, Thailand
2020/1/22(招待講演)小川雄一,森田美穂,"テラヘルツ光による角層水分計測 ”, レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会シンポジウム4「皮膚と光」, 仙台国際センター,
2020年1月22日 白神慧一郎 ”65GHz帯CMOS近接アレイセンサを用いた水和水の高精度評価”,分子フォト研究会「誘電応答から見るソフトマターの水和ダイナミクス」, 神戸大学, (招待講演)
2020/1/21 近藤 直:「90億人時代のための農食産業の最新動向」,レー ザー学会 スマート農食産業へのレーザー応用シンポジウム,招待講演,仙台国際センター
2019年12月3-6日 鈴木哲仁, 上田隼平, 樫森亜由子, 小川雄一, 近藤直, “鶏卵の部位別蛍光特性に基づいた腐敗卵の評価” , 2019年農業食料工学会・農業施設学会・国際農業工学会第6部会国際合同大会, 北海道大学,札幌市,
2019年12月3-6日鈴木哲仁, 小川雄一, 近藤直, “ポリマーモノリスカラムを用いた大腸菌の簡易抽出” , 2019年農業食料工学会・農業施設学会・国際農業工学会第6部会国際合同大会, 北海道大学,札幌市,
December 17-18, 2019. Kondo Naoshi: "Start with Sensing Technologies for Fully Automated Farming and for Comprehensive Goals (SDGs)", Moonshot International Symposium, WG5: Innovation for future agriculture - satisfying both food production and environment conservation, Hosts: Cabinet Office, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Science and Technology Agency, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Bellesalle Tokyo Nihonbashi, December 17-18, 2019. (Invited)
Zichen Huang, Tsay Lok Wai Jacky, Xunyue Zhao, Tomoo Shiigi, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Tetsuhito Suzuki, Kondo Naoshi, ''Noise Tolerance of Spread Spectrum Sound-based Positioning against the quadcopter noise'',2019 IFAC Agri-control, Sydney, Australia
Huang Zichen: Kyoto University International Symposium on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia "Positioning System using Spread Spectrum Sound for Greenhouse Robots" Shiran Kaikan, Kyoto University.
Njane Stephen Njehia: Kyoto University International Symposium on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia "Inland Aquaculture-based Helmholtz Resonator for Precise Fish Volume Measurement" Shiran Kaikan, Kyoto University(26-28 November, 2019).
Khaliduzzaman. Chick Embryos Grading towards Achieving SDGs: Zero Hunger. International Symposium on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia. Kyoto University, Kyoto (26-28 November 2019).
山重貴久, 菊池正二郎, 小川雄一, "60GHzで動作する近接アレイセンサによる大腸菌の増殖能の評価", シンポジウムテラヘルツ科学の最先端Y, 東京工業大学, 2019年11月28−30日
卜部眞子, 白神慧一郎, 松井毅, 菊池正二郎, 小川雄一, "65GHz帯CMOSセンサを用いたアルブミン熱変性に伴う水和数の高精度評価," シンポジウムテラヘルツ科学の最先端Y, 東京工業大学, 2019年11月28−30日
Kondo Naoshi: 2019 KondoKSAIA Fall Conference and International Symposium of Artificial Interlligence in Agriculture, Seoul, Korea”Smart Agriculture in Japan,” Seoul National University, (October 31, 2019)
Kondo Naoshi: 2019 Guangzhou International Innovation Festival”Smart Agriculture in Japan,” Guangzhou Library, Guangzhou, China (Nov.1- 3, 2019) https://gz-innofestival.com/agenda.php
Kondo Naoshi: 2019 World Snensors Summit, “Innovative sensor technology for food production and environmental protection of 9 billion people,” Zhengzhou International Exibition Center, Zhengzhou, China (Nov.9-11, 2019)
近藤直“Smart Agriculture = Precision Agriculture + AI & IoT,”AESAP2019 (3rd International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture Production), IPB International Convention Center (IICC), (Oct.14-15, 2019)
小川雄一 ”ライフサイエンスに貢献するためのテラヘルツ研究”,ポストLEDフォトニクス公開シンポジウム, 徳島大学,2019年10月15日 (招待講演)
小川雄一 ”テラヘルツ波を用いた細胞計測と操作”,ACS (American Chemical Society) on Campus, 福井工業大学,2019年8月12日 (招待講演)
Zichen Huang, "Doppler Shift Compensation for Spread Spectrum Sound-based Positioning System for Robotic System in Greenhouse"
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI[JSAM Part]
Tsay Lok Wai Jacky, "Temperature Compensation Method for Spread Spectrum Sound-based Local Positioning System in Greenhouse"
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI[JSAM Part]
Zhao Xunyue, "The Multi-Access Methods Comparison for Overcoming Near-far Problem of Spread Spectrum Sound-based Local Positioning System in Greenhouse"
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI[JSAM Part]
Chiang Wenhsin, "Quantification of Tofu microstructure by image analysis"
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI
小長谷圭志, "紫外線励起蛍光画像を用いた収穫後トマトの鮮度評価"
緒方康平, "魚体積推定を目的とした水中ヘルムホルツ共鳴器の大型化"
2019年 農業食料工学会・農業施設学会・国際農業工学会第6部会 合同国際大会
Omwange Ken Abamba, "Fish Freshness Monitoring Using UV-Fluorescence Imaging on Freshwater Fish Eye."
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI
Khaliduzzaman, "Detection of Chick Embryo Respiratory Movement Using Near Infrared Sensor"
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI[JSAM Part]
Khaliduzzaman, "Measurement of Chicken Eggshell Optical Properties Using Terahertz Spectroscopy"
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI[CIGR VI Technical Part]
Saha Khokan Kumar, "Chalkiness Index of Sake Rice' Yamada Nishiki' Using Ultraviolet-Near-Infrared Transmission."
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI
RULIN CHEN, "Myanmar Mango Maturity Prediction Based on Skin Color Using Machine Vision System"
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI
Keiji Konagaya, "Assessment of Red Tomato Freshness Using Ultraviolet-induced Fluorescence Image"
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI
Stephen N. Njane, "Double-cavity based open Helmholtz resonator for potential fish volume estimation"
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI Technical symposium joining FWFNGW and FSWG Workshops.
Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, "Segmentation of common scab lesion on intact potatoes using single near infrared image"
International Joint Conference on JSAM and SASJ, and CIGR VI Technical Symposium joining FWFNWG and FSWG Workshops 2019
Vincent Rotich, "Thermal oxidation stability assessment of extra virgin olive oil using fluorescence and transmittance imaging”
2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI
AESAP2019 (3rd International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture Production), IPB International Convention Center (IICC)
Kondo“Smart Agriculture = Precision Agriculture + AI & IoT,”

ポストLEDフォトニクス公開シンポジウム, 徳島大学
小川雄一 ”ライフサイエンスに貢献するためのテラヘルツ研究”